Saturday 26 June 2010

Well, this sampler is coming along slowly. I wanted to finish it before I'll start stitching ANYTHING for our baby but I think I'll better start knitting a cardigan and hat for him. Otherwise he'll be cold.
I would say it is a bit hot to craft at the moment. I'm really worried the sampler gets stained from sweaty hands.
Charlotte is having a new intake day at St James soon. She is really excited. It'll be her very first time all alone on the bus. I think she'll manage though.
It isn't long now and we'll be finshed at St George's Primary. It'll be strange at first I'm sure but there are some people there which I will not miss at all. ;-)


  1. so is your baby a 'he' or a 'she' lol

  2. Hello Bianca,

    now your sampler is quite charming. I can well understand you fear have because of sweat spots, but you can wash it, nevertheless, before still. I have knitted for my granddaughter also a few gloves, socks, cap and a scarf. However, I believe that I can soon make to myself again to the work, because this will not fit in next winter with certainty any more.
    I wish Charlotte a lot of luck for her admission day and with bus she already does.

    Completely kind regards from Elmshorn, Manja

  3. Kath, this sampler is not for our baby (it's for a baby gift exchange) Our little one is a boy (as cartain as they can be).

    Isn't that perfect? Two girls and two boys!

    Manja, thank you

  4. Hi Bianca,
    Yes, sorry. I thought I had posted it here. You have won my RAK. Can you send me your details to stitcheranonatyahoodotcodotuk.
    Any clues as to interests, colours etc would be cool or would you like something for your little one?
